
GujaratiPad makes Gujarati typing and wordprocessing easy for everybody.

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Now you can too write letters and emails in Gujarati without having to learn Gujarati typing.
GujaratiPad is a full featured Gujarati wordprocessor that makes Gujarati typing and wordprocessing easy thanks to its unique type as you speak layout that allows you to type Gujarati the same way you pronounce it.

Amazing typing layout provides unmatched ease. No need to remember complex combinations or ALT key combos, just type as you pronounce. Ex. type Hindustani to write Hindustani in Gujarati.
GujaratiPad is compatible with all popular wordprocessors and designing software. Just type in GujaratiPad and Copy-Paste the text to your favourite software.

This program received 8 awards
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Publicsoft India
License type:
MANOJ ACHARYA 8 years ago

Excellent software for Gujarati typing and user-friendly.